Jeddah Polymer uPVC Pipe Fitting

Jeddah Polymer uPVC Pipe Fitting prices suppliers in Karachi Lahore Islamabad Pakistan. +92-321-248975

Contact Jeddah Polymer uPVC Pipe Fitting

jeddah polymer upvc pipe fitting

Application of Jaddah Polymer

  • Pot Water, Soil, Waste, Rain Water
  • Ultra Pure Water and Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Swimming Pools
  • Air Conditioning / Refrigeration
  • Food and Beverage Processing
  • R.O. Plants
  • Water Irrigation
  • Cable & Telecommunication

Advantages of Jeddah Polymer uPVC Pipe

  • Long life, Design Life of 50 Years According to ISO
  • Low Transportation and Handling Cost
  • No Scaling or Deposition of Material
  • Can Resist Wide Range of Chemicals
  • Does not Promote Fire
  • Reduce Chances of Short Circuit
  • Can be Installed Both Inside and Outside
  • Reduces Jointing and Labor Cost
  • Quick & Easy Installation
  • Low Maintenance Cost

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